Guidelines for legal practitioners dealing with radicalisation cases
This webinar will highlight the main concepts included in the publication Handbooks, Guidelines, Policy Recommendations Validated in Real Environments.
Jan 13, 2020 | 10AM – 11.30AM CET
The judicial strategy to combat violent radicalisation and terror-related crimes or illegal hate speech in prison are at the heart of the J-SAFE project, funded by the EU’s JUST-AG-2016-03 scheme (Grant Agreement Nº 763714).
About this handbook
The core purpose of this document is to provide judges with guidance when dealing with the complex decision-making structures faced when dealing with issues of radicalisation. The present report provides a set of comprehensive guidelines to support judges in making informed decisions on sentences related to radicalisation. Support and guidance notes are given for all stages of the procedures, including on individual resocialisation and rehabilitation plans for inmates who are under observation for radical behaviours, in prison, or on probation. In addition to supporting judges to more effectively adjudicate cases that involve radicalised individuals, the guidelines also stress the importance of upholding the rights of all parties involved in the legal proceedings, in particular the fair trial rights of the accused and the protection of victims and witnesses.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, the event will be held online through the platform GoToWebinar. It will take place on the 13th of January from 10.00AM to 11.30AM CET, for a total duration of 1h and a half. Targeted invitations will be sent to key professionals in the field, yet the conference is open for registration.
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The edited volume of Handbooks, Guidelines & Policy Recommendations Validated in Real Environment collected contributions from:
- RICCARDO TURRINI VITA – General Director of Training- Italian Ministry of Justice;
- ENRICO SBRIGLIA – Regional Manager of the Italian Ministry of Justice-Department of Prison Administration, Triveneto Office;
- GIUSEPPE SPADARO – Chairman of the Juvenile Regional Court, Emilia-Romagna;
- STEFANO DAMBRUOSO – Prosecutor office, Court of Bologna;
- VITTORIO PLATI’ – Penal Lawyer.
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