The present Handbook is addressed to frontline Prison and Probation Practitioners and upholds the importance of investing in appropriate prison and probation management and also emphasises that prison and probation work should be seen as part of a comprehensive multiagency strategy to combat radicalisation and violent extremism. It aims to be relevant to psychologists, social workers, religious or community leaders and other professionals as well as civil society organisations dealing directly with inmates under observation for radical or extremist behaviour.
This Handbook provides Prison and Probation Practitioners with different tools and methods to prevent and deal with radicalisation and violent extremism by identifying good practices in the field. Additionally, the Handbook provides a general legal framework in accordance with the standards and principles of the rule of law related to the protection of human rights in Europe, paying special attention to the prominent need for information-sharing, that can help prison staff in their daily work.
Hanbook on First Line Prison and Probation Practitioners
The Handbook is divided into three parts:
Part I presents the spectrum of radicalisation and violent extremism while exploring what entails to identify radicalised or violent extremists in the prison and probation population and the role of Prison and Probation Practitioners in assessing the associated risks.
Part II analyses the legal framework on gathering and using information in cases of radicalisation and violent extremism at the International and European level- both within the EU and on a broader pan-European scale. It also highlights the importance of multi-agency cooperation and local sharing networks.
Part III addresses the particularities and difficulties of balancing the need to prevent or counter radicalisation and violent extremism with the fundamental respect of human rights. It provides concrete examples of real-life situations through the analysis of jurisprudence from the European Court of Human Rights.